Monday, 10 January 2011

Maria's birth to Lauren/beating the system!

Hi Patricia
Just to let you know Lauren was born on 5th November.
We had a bit of a stressful week but in the end she came through!
I went into hospital on the 2nd to be induced after fending off medical intervention for a week. I was given a pessary on the 3rd which did nothing. Thursday evening I went over to the labour ward for my waters to be broken but my cervix had become unfavourable.
I was told that I needed to consider a c section or to try again tomorrow. I was also put on nil by mouth.
Decided to go for c section rather than to be pumped with drugs that I anticipated wouldn't work. I felt that with an elective section I had some control as opposed to 12 hours of induction that may may fail and result in an emergency section.
On Friday, the c section list was busy and it wasn't sure if I would get a slot, though I was still nil by mouth. At 2pm I started to feel sick and I was moved to the labour ward at 3pm. I went from 0 to 10cm by 5.30pm. Lauren was posterior and face upwards but decided not to turn. I pushed until 7pm but was then taken to theatre as there was some fetal dipping.
The plan was for ventouse and possible c section if that didn't work. My contractions were so fast that I am convinced we didn't need assistance however one ventouse pull and she was out.
She was born at 7.20pm at 6lbs 6 oz.
The whole thing was so fast I wasn't very active as the space between then was short, but I used breathing and gas and air from around 4.30pm.
While the birth was not as natural as I had hoped,I felt I managed to beat the system as I went into labour naturally despite all the attempts to put me into labour! One midwife congratulated me on beating the system!
Lauren is very relaxed and enjoying life!

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