Tuesday, 20 September 2011
Rebecca gives birth to big baby number 3, Laurence
Hi Patricia,
Sorry for very late update, life with 3 is flat out! Laurence is now 4 months. I was induced at 12 days overdue with a pessary. Between 6 hourly monitoring I went for lots of walks. The following day contractions started as I left the hospital for a walk at 9:30 in the morning, I very slowly walked down Barrack road with diminishing intervals needing to stop. Walked back to labour ward after an hour and delivered an hour later. He was as big as his brothers at 4.5 Kg. A very positive experience. I wasn't examined and found your advice of talking to your baby whilst in labour and imagining them going through their journey downward to delivery hugely helpful. A feeling that we were in it together was great. I vocalised a bit and stood up leaning over the bed with some rocking and circling of hips. In short the few classes I had managed to get to along with your evening recap really equipped me to have a very empowering experience. Thank you so much, Rebecca and Will x
Nora's second birth to baby Hanno LAurens
Hi Patricia
George and I were delighted to welcome gorgeous little Hanno Laurens on 18th August at 11:10pm! Although he made us wait a few more days than expected, his arrival was a lot quicker than his big sister’s. I started having some contractions in the morning on the 18th and went into labour in the afternoon. We timed our trip to the hospital well and arrived at around 8:30pm when I was between 6-7cm and little Hanno arrived at 11:10pm. It didn’t feel like less hard work than first time round as the speed of the last three hours made it feel pretty relentless, but I managed to deliver with just the tens machine and all went very well. The low risk unit wasn’t open, but by the time I got to the hospital I no longer cared about where I was giving birth anyway. My midwife had some concern about the baby’s heart rate (which fortunately came to nothing), but it meant I had to be monitored and had to deliver on my side which wasn’t the most effective, but all in all things went very smoothly and we both fell in love with the little guy right away. We’re at home since Friday morning and are enjoying life as a ‘proper’ family – needless to say that Hanno is fitting right in and is getting spoilt by his big sister! We’d be happy to come by to tell our birth story anytime – I could either stop by with Hanno on my own or George & Elsa would be happy to come along but would have to be at the beginning of the class as 8:30 is getting a bit late for little Elsa…
Off to stare some more at little Hanno J
All the best, Nora
Sarah's Home birth to Redvers Frank
Hi there Patricia and Karin,
Hope you are both well? Just wanted to let you know that we now have a little chap, Redvers Frank. Born at home on 9th August and a healthy 7lbs 7oz.
The labour was incredible. What an experience for both Red and I! Contractions started the night before but I ignored and snoozed through as wasn't really sure whether it was the real thing. Planned long walks and flapjack making for latent labour but those plans went out the window as contractions came on pretty hard and fast as soon as I got up in the morning. Managed to let the chickens out and get in the washing, intermittently hanging off trees in the garden, before calling the midwife (with a little persuasion from Rob). 8cm dilated by the time she arrived late morning which was a surprise to me!
In the birth pool for the afternoon which was very soothing though didn't deliver in there in the end as getting a little tired and contractions slowing. Little Redvers was born 'on dry land' just before 7pm.
So pleased to have had him at home - fantastic midwives who just left us to it for the large part of the day. No drugs. Sort of forgot to ask, which must have meant I didn't need anyway. Managed to do it on Purdeys energy drinks (with Ginseng) and Sesame Snaps. Oh yes, and a massive breakfast!
Everything has gone well over the past couple of weeks - all happy and healthy. Still finding our feet a little but enjoying every minute. I wanted to thank you both for everything you have passed onto me over the last few months and during the couples course. It gave me the confidence to make the decisions for myself and stick to my guns when others expressed doubt, particularly with the home birth. Also to know what was going on with my body so as to be prepared for the day. Many many thanks.
With love,
Sarah, Rob and Redvers xx
Jenni's 3rd birth to Leander weighing in at 9lb 8ozs
Hello Patricia,
Just thought I'd grab this rare quiet moment to let you know that I had little Leander on Friday night. I had a very weird stop-and-start labour since Thursday morning, and things finally got going properly on Friday afternoon. We went to the low risk birth unit at 5 pm in the afternoon and he finally arrived at 10.43 pm. I managed to have him naturally with just some entonox in the final stages. THe midwife was absolutely lovely and the whole experience was generally fabulous, with the exception of a tear. Hardly surprising though, given that the little lad was 9lbs8 and sucking his thumb as he went through the birth canal.
We're all doing well and went straight back home that night.
I'd love to come and share my story at some stage.
Thanks for many happy Wednesday evenings preparing for my latest arrival!
See you soon,
Jenni x
Just thought I'd grab this rare quiet moment to let you know that I had little Leander on Friday night. I had a very weird stop-and-start labour since Thursday morning, and things finally got going properly on Friday afternoon. We went to the low risk birth unit at 5 pm in the afternoon and he finally arrived at 10.43 pm. I managed to have him naturally with just some entonox in the final stages. THe midwife was absolutely lovely and the whole experience was generally fabulous, with the exception of a tear. Hardly surprising though, given that the little lad was 9lbs8 and sucking his thumb as he went through the birth canal.
We're all doing well and went straight back home that night.
I'd love to come and share my story at some stage.
Thanks for many happy Wednesday evenings preparing for my latest arrival!
See you soon,
Jenni x
Nic's second Bracken birth to Ella Mae
Hi Patricia
You've probably already heard from some of the girls in Yoga that I gave birth to Ella Mae on 23rd July at 4.17. She weighed a healthy 7lb 9oz and the birth went really well; I managed without drugs although couldn't quite manage to give birth to the placenta naturally so had to have the injection for that. I was really lucky and managed to get into Braken and have Ella in the Water pool which really helped with the pain. Unfortunately Ella was born posterior which was very painful but it was quick at least, lasting only 3 hours 17 minutes!
I'd love to come in and tell my story, so just let me know when you would like me to come in.
Thanks for all your help again, your techniques were used throughout the pregnancy and birth.
Nic xxx
You've probably already heard from some of the girls in Yoga that I gave birth to Ella Mae on 23rd July at 4.17. She weighed a healthy 7lb 9oz and the birth went really well; I managed without drugs although couldn't quite manage to give birth to the placenta naturally so had to have the injection for that. I was really lucky and managed to get into Braken and have Ella in the Water pool which really helped with the pain. Unfortunately Ella was born posterior which was very painful but it was quick at least, lasting only 3 hours 17 minutes!
I'd love to come in and tell my story, so just let me know when you would like me to come in.
Thanks for all your help again, your techniques were used throughout the pregnancy and birth.
Nic xxx
Juliet's birth to Harriet

Hi Patricia
Our baby girl Harriet was born on Wednesday morning. We had a wonderful water birth at the Low Risk Birth Unit with no pain relief required. My waters broke on Tuesday evening at 10 pm without any warning signs at all and 5 minutes later my contractions began. At 4.30am I found that they were becoming increasingly powerful and decided we should head to the hospital. When we got there one of the midwives took us straight through to one of the rooms in the birth unit and checked to see how dilated I was. I was 5cm so was able to get straight into the pool which felt so amazing. After that I completely lost track of time and just got really into the contractions. Each time I felt one coming I had this almost indescribable feeling of power. At no point did it feel like pain, it was just powerful. When the pushing urges came I realised I was making a lot of low moaning sounds and breathing really deeply and slowly, this seemed to come naturally. At 8.10am Harriet was born weighing 8lb 7oz and contrary to what I had heard about babies being calmer when born in water, she came out screaming! I held her for almost 15 minutes before I realised we hadn't checked the sex!
I would love to bring her in after a session in a couple of weeks time. I am positive that the active birth classes were the thing that made me feel relaxed about labour and instead of being aprehensive and tense I welcomed each contraction and it didn't even occur to me to ask for pain relief. I loved every minute of it :o)
Thank you for all of your help.
Juliet xx
Laura's home birth to Poppy

Hi Patricia,
Just thought i'd write to say thank you and let you know I had a baby girl - Poppy Elizabeth - at home on Saturday morning, 7lb 15oz. I was in labour for about 8 hours in total, but had been getting increasingly stronger Braxton Hicks and had a show last Tuesday so things were obviously getting moving. It was such an empowering experience, I loved every minute of it. Seems a bit of a blur now to be honest. I used lots of yoga and my birthing ball. At the last minute, I rented a tens mach ine which seemed to help with the very early contractions, and I tried some gas and air for a couple of contractions but actually found breathing through them and vocalising a lot more useful. I'm feeling really well in myself and starting to get the hang of breastfeeding, which was interrupted due to the below... Phil wants to say thank you as well, he was a brilliant birth partner and really appreciates the help you gave us.
I've attached a picture of Poppy for you to see...
Anyway, I hope you're well.
Love Laura
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