Hi Patricia
Our baby girl Harriet was born on Wednesday morning. We had a wonderful water birth at the Low Risk Birth Unit with no pain relief required. My waters broke on Tuesday evening at 10 pm without any warning signs at all and 5 minutes later my contractions began. At 4.30am I found that they were becoming increasingly powerful and decided we should head to the hospital. When we got there one of the midwives took us straight through to one of the rooms in the birth unit and checked to see how dilated I was. I was 5cm so was able to get straight into the pool which felt so amazing. After that I completely lost track of time and just got really into the contractions. Each time I felt one coming I had this almost indescribable feeling of power. At no point did it feel like pain, it was just powerful. When the pushing urges came I realised I was making a lot of low moaning sounds and breathing really deeply and slowly, this seemed to come naturally. At 8.10am Harriet was born weighing 8lb 7oz and contrary to what I had heard about babies being calmer when born in water, she came out screaming! I held her for almost 15 minutes before I realised we hadn't checked the sex!
I would love to bring her in after a session in a couple of weeks time. I am positive that the active birth classes were the thing that made me feel relaxed about labour and instead of being aprehensive and tense I welcomed each contraction and it didn't even occur to me to ask for pain relief. I loved every minute of it :o)
Thank you for all of your help.
Juliet xx
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